K&A Discusses Energy Branding Strategies and Power Market Studies at Power-Gen Africa 2019 from May 14-16
The World Bank reports that almost 600 million people remain without electricity. The challenge for electricity producers is to meet growing consumption by existing customers while also electrifying rural regions that represent 60% of the continent’s population. Significant investment in new, environmentally acceptable, and reliable power generation facilities are required to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal of electrifying the African continent by 2030.
In sub-Saharan Africa, approximately 80% of new power plant investment goes to the construction of fossil fuel-fired facilities. Coal will continue to be an important fuel for power generation in the future so low-carbon electrification becomes the priority. However, conventional pulverized coal boiler technologies are limited in their ability to reduce emissions without augmentation of post-combustion treatment technologies such as FGD and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR).
During the conference, K&A investigated the future role of coal in Africa and the impact of sustainability initiatives, energy transition and green energy programs among African electric utilities such as ESKOM and other energy companies. We had a mandate from a client to investigate the market, and the conference was quite useful in collecting views and opinions and meeting regulators, energy companies, and other decision-makers.
Following this conference, we returned several times to Africa, this time hosting seminars ourselves involving more than 100 utilities in sub-Saharan Africa for various clean energy and energy transition technologies. For more information on some of our African energy market seminars conducted by K&A, visit: Seminar Promotion
#Africaenergy #Africaenergytransition #Africacoal #Africaenergymarketstudies #Africapowermarketanalysis