February 2019 Conferences — Krishnan & Associates

February 2019 Conferences

As an energy industry marketing firm K&A maintains a schedule of global conferences to keep on top of key opportunities to meet subject matter experts, exhibit, and present papers both for ourselves and our clients. The following energy industry conferences are coming up in February 2019:

02/05/19 - 02/06/19 Solar Power Northeast | Boston, Massachusetts, USA
02/05/19 - 02/07/19 DistribuTECH 2019 | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
02/05/19 - 02/07/19 EPRI Heat Rate Improvement Conference | San Antonio, Texas, USA
02/05/19 - 02/07/19 E- World Energy & Water Exhibition | Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
02/05/19 - 02/07/19 Nordic Nuclear Forum | Helsinki, Finland
02/07/19 - 02/08/19 2019 IEEE Texas Power and Energy conference (TPEC) | College Station, Texas, USA
02/10/19 - 02/14/19 Cooling Technology Institute Annual Conference | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
02/11/19 - 02/13/19 EGYPS 2019 (Egypt Petroleum Show) | Cairo, Egypt
02/11/19 - 02/14/19 2019 NOX-COMBUSTION-CCR/PCUG CONFERENCE | Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
02/12/19 - 02/12/19 ATMOsphere Japan 2019 | Tokyo, Japan
02/12/19 - 02/13/19 4th Biomass Trade and Power Europe | Copenhagen, Denmark
02/17/19 - 02/20/19 IEEE ISGT NA 2019 | Washington, District of Columbia, USA
02/17/19 - 02/22/19 501F Users Group 2019 | Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
02/19/19 - 02/19/19 EIC Connect Mexico Energy Forum | Mexico City, Mexico
02/19/19 - 02/20/19 VGB Maintenance in Power Plants 2019 with Technical Exhibition | Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
02/19/19 - 02/20/19 Africa Energy Indaba | Johannesburg, South Africa
02/19/19 - 02/21/19 Power Engineering - Energetika | Samara, Russia
02/19/19 - 02/21/19 Connected Plant Conference 2019 | Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
02/20/19 - 02/22/19 International Power Summit 2019 | Berlin, Germany
02/25/19 - 02/26/19 EUEC 2019 | San Diego, California, USA
02/25/19 - 02/28/19 SWANApalooza Conference Program 2019 | Boston, Massachusetts, USA
02/27/19 - 03/01/19 LNG and Natural Gas for Power and Industries Thailand Forum | ST REGIS HOTEL, BANGKOK, THAILAND
02/27/19 - 03/01/19 THERMAL POWER EXPO 2019 | Tokyo, Japan
02/27/19 - 03/01/19 Next Generation Thermal power Expo 2019 | Tokyo, Japan
02/27/19 - 03/01/19 INT'L BIOMASS EXPO | Tokyo, Japan
02/27/19 - 03/01/19 PV EXPO 2019 - 12th Int'l Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo | Tokyo, Japan
02/27/19 - 03/01/19 PV SYSTEM EXPO 2019 - 10th Int'l Photovoltaic Power Generation System Expo | Tokyo, Japan