Power and Energy Industry News & Insights — Krishnan & Associates

Ravi Krishnan on the Expected Growth for Emission Control Technologies in the Indian Market for Valve World India

The market for AQCS systems in India is exploding. However, the new regulations are not without considerable opposition from utilities & IPPs who are concerned about unrealistic compliance
schedules, high capital & operating costs, inadequate environmental cost recovery mechanisms, and technology challenges concerning high ash Indian coals.

2016 K&A India Report Update: New Regulations Create Huge Emission Control Equipment Market

The framework of the Indian Power Market has seen a huge shift! New emission regulations have recently passed which significantly reduce limits on NOx, PM, SO2, and Hg. 

Krishnan & Associates, Provider of Market Research and Business Intelligence for the Energy Industry, Now a Member of Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals

Krishnan & Associates, a technical market research and consulting firm focused on the energy industry, announces they have been granted membership to the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP). 

Krishnan & Associates to Conduct Pre-Conference Workshops on Specialized Marketing Techniques and the Indian Power Generation Market at POWER-GEN International

Krishnan and Associates' announces that company president and owner, Ravi Krishnan, will be presenting two separate pre-conference workshops at POWER-GEN International on December 12, 2011 in Las Vegas, NV.